May 3, 2010

On the Road Again !

2010 Has been loaded with a lot of things so fare: a wedding, a lot of office work, which didn't let me a lot of time for the boat. until the last couple of weeks.
I now moved out of my house to live in the hometown of my lovely wife.
And the biggest part of the move, was done yesterday. Many thanks to all my friends that came to help. One good news, she is light, really light !

2010 a deja ete tres charge pour moi: un mariage, beaucoup de boulot au bureau, donc pas beaucoup de temps pour bosser sur le bateau, au moins jusqu'au week end dernier.
J'ai maintenant demenage pour vivre dans la ville natale de ma femme bien-aime. Et le plus gros morceau du demenagement a ete deplace hier, merci a tous les amis venu aider pour l'occasion. Une bonne nouvelle, le bateau est leger, tres leger !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK for the hand-controlled weight, but there is no final painting, no mast, no keel, no ballast, no veil and so and...
Every thing will change when SHE will need to be baptized in French Champagne, of course !!
Ch & I hope you have a good continuing
lovely yours